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PreScene 1: Elena & Heinrich's Arrival at the U.S. Internment Camp 

"Get Us Free" (by Elena)


Scene 1:  The Introduction (General Diego's Welcome & Introductory Narrative)

“Oh Soledad” (by Diego)


Scene 2: Soledad, Age Twelve (with her family in Costa Rica)

“Age Twelve” (by Young Soledad)


Scene 3:  General Diego’s Story Narrative (continued)

No Song


Scene 4: Soledad Meets Her Love

“Dizzy Vertigo” (by Diego)


Scene 5:  Soledad Tells Mama(sita) Emma of Her Engagement to Paul.

No Song


Scene 6: Soledad and Paul Share their Love & Agree to Marry

“I Love You; You Love Me” (by Paul) and then “Our Wedding Song”(by Soledad)


 (Transition Piece from Scene 6 to Scene 7) =

“Oh Soledad Modification # 1 (by prerecorded segment) – “Whisked away by love…”


Scene 7: Dona Emma’s Lament (after Soledad has gone away)

“Then & Forever” (by Dona/Mamasita Emma)


Scene 8: The Daughter’s Cure For Mamasita & Her Lament

“Little Baby Coming” (by Mamasita Emma, Elena, Marta, & Chorus ...)


Scene 9: Soledad, Paul, & Baby Come Home “To Their People” (c. 1 year later)

"Oh Soledad Modification # 2" (by prerecorded segment)  -  "Always brought her babies home..."


Scene 10: The Inaugural Welcoming Reception at the Homestead

Background instrumental (only) of "Oh Soledad" or another TBD song (by prerecorded instrumental segment)​


Scene 11:  Their Departure Back to the U.S.

“Badwinds” (by Diego)


Scene 12: Bad News Back at Home in the U.S: The Revolution of 1948!

No song



INTERMISSION            (with “COMFORT” instrumental beginning immediately after Scene 12)





Scene 13:  Soledad’s Lament (of Being So Far Away & Unable to Help)

“Moving Pieces” (by Soledad sung in English)


Scene 14:  A  Progressive vs. Conservative Discourse Among Two Close Cousins

No Song


Scene 15:  Soledad & Family Arrive at the Airport in San Jose (2nd Visit)

“Oh Soledad Modification # 2" (by prerecorded segment)


Scene 16:  A Sequential Compendium / Medley of the Trip’s Visitations in the Respective Cities with the Respective Dance(s) & Festivals:


Sub-scene 16(1):  San Jose, at the Homestead reception.

"To My People" (by Soledad)


Sub-scene 16(2):  Tamarindo, & the Cumbia Dance Festival. (& Soledad dances too)

"Time For Some Cumbia" (by Paul & Soledad)


Sub-scene 16(3):  Puerto Jimenez, & the Salsa Festival (& Sole dances too)

"I'm Your Baby, You're My Baby" (by Paul & Soledad)


Sub-scene 16(4):  Cartago (a brief interaction with a welcoming gathering prior to their departure back to the U.S.).

“Moving Pieces” (by Soledad sung in Spanish to the Crowd, followed by the piano instrumental version while transiting)


Scene 17:  Farewell at the Airport, & Diego’s Final Discourse

“Oh Soledad” (guitar instrumental only - as background music)


Scene 18: The Video (containing the Oratory Narrative) and the Finale

“Oh Soledad” (full version sung with the video by the entire Cast)


Then followed by “Oh Soledad Modification # 3"



El Fine 




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